Product CategoryDescriptionNotesUnits of Sale
Pasta DriedDeli - Fusilli Driedx 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Linguine Driedx 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Pasta Macaronix 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Pasta Penne Driedx 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Pasta Rigatonix 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Spaghetti Driedx 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Egg Pasta Pappardellex 500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Linguine Squidx 500g
Pasta DriedCanalonix500g
Pasta DriedDeli - Gnocchix500g
Fresh PastaDeli - Pasta Fettucinex Kg
Fresh PastaDeli - Pasta Lasagne Sheetsx 1.5 Kg
Fresh PastaDeli - Pasta Tagliatellex 1Kg
Fresh PastaDeli - Spaghetti Freshx Kg
RiceDeli - Rice Arboriox 1Kg
RiceDeli - Rice BasmatiTildax 5Kg
RiceDeli - Rice Brownx 500g
RiceDeli - Rice Carnarolix 1Kg
RiceDeli- Rice Long GrainEasy Cookx 5kg
RiceDeli - Rice Risotto
RiceDeli - Rice SushiMishikix 1Kg
RiceDeli - Rice WildRedx 1Kg
RiceDeli - Rice Wild Blackx Kg
Country Fresh Foods

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Tel: 0114 248 1188


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